If I were Matthew, I'd be SO THRILLED to get your email! It's the kind of email that really can move mountains, in addition to bringing back movies to IMAX. And also Maverick -- it's such a phenomenon and awesome, fun story! In my mind, Tom Cruise is almost equal to "cringe," but I'd be lying to say that I don't love Maverick.

Also about experiencing the magical space in person part, it rings very true -- now we are just counting on good architects, civil engineers, and real estate developers to make the magic happen ;)

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I love the structure of this piece and how you tie it off with magic. I think a lot can be said about how our physical spaces have lost the magic that they once imbued on our earliest memories. Theaters are one example of this, but also the outdoor spaces that are created by surrounding buildings. I recently read a related article about how some architects Denver are focusing on transforming old theaters into a cultural art center to focus on that magic again. Really excited for a broader movement of creating buildings that are a part of the magic, not just a vessel.

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